Author: Joshua Clanton

This past week I received the first proof copy of the Silver Chalice, Golden Bough paperback edition.

I’ve already made the first batch of corrections and requested a second proof. If the second proof looks good, paperbacks might be available within the week. If not, it will take a little longer. But regardless, the paperback edition is coming very soon.



I’m currently working on three major writing projects, one of which is relatively close to completion, and two of which are still at fairly early stages. The titles below are how I think of the books, but are almost certainly going to change before publication.

All the Little Children – YA Horror

Note that when I say horror, I mean creepy stories, not slasher fiction. This is by far the most complete of my current projects. I have a decent story in place, but it is quite short, and reader feedback said that the ending felt rushed. When I reread the story again, I agreed.

So I put together a comprehensive outline that includes several additional scenes to flesh out the story and prevent the ending from seeming so rushed.

One additional issue is that my preferred title is already taken by another horror story, so I will need to spend some time brainstorming a new one.

The Sleepless Eye – Steampunk Adventure

I’ve been toying with this one off and on for a long time, and have a few chapters written. However, winging the plot really isn’t working for me productivity-wise on this book, so I’m going to be going back to square one and getting a much more detailed outline into place before proceeding any further on the actual writing.

Outpost Arcanum – Military Fantasy

I only had the idea for this project a week and a half ago, but I’m already very excited about it. One of the nice things about this one is that it has a nice hook to pull in readers. (No, I’m not going to tell you what the hook is yet.)

I’m still in the brainstorming phase, but learning my lesson from previous projects, I’m attempting to direct that brainstorming energy into a coherent outline.

I guess that’s the theme of the day. Outline, outline, outline.


Things Unseen

A near-future urban fantasy, this is one of the only books I’ve read where the Fae (Elves) are actually as alien as the legends about them. I’m only halfway through, but it’s been delightful thus far.

The Haunting of Gillespie House

A traditional haunted house story. The earlier chapters are stronger than the ending, but an enjoyable read.

The Legacy Fleet Trilogy

The first book in the trilogy is essentially a retelling of the BattleStar Galactica miniseries using different names for the characters. It is, however, a strongly written retelling. The second and third book keep the same strong storytelling, but also break much further out into original plot lines. If you enjoy space opera this is a solid choice.

Deep Work

I’m a big fan of Cal Newport’s work. In this book he tackles the topic of why and how we should shift our focus from “cranking out widgets” to doing “deep work.” Deep work, as he defines it, is the type of work that requires intense focus, but also offers tremendous benefits. Something like writing a novel, for example.

What have you been reading lately?


You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.

– Madeleine L’Engle
